1.1. Prêmios de iniciação e pós-graduação da SBMAC
A SBMAC tem uma longa tradição no reconhecimento de trabalhos de excelência, nas diversas áreas de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, realizados por estudantes nas categorias Iniciação Científica, Mestrado e Doutorado.
O prêmio na categoria Iniciação Científica homenageia a Profa. Beatriz Neves e os prêmios de Pós-Graduação, nas categorias Mestrado e Doutorado, homenageiam o Prof. Clóvis Caesar Gonzaga e o Prof. Marco Antonio Raupp, respectivamente.
A edição 2025 destina-se a trabalhos concluídos no período de 1º de abril de 2024 a 31 de março de 2025 que satisfaçam as exigências previstas no Regulamento Geral.
O prazo para a submissão de candidaturas estará aberto entre os dias 19 de dezembro de 2024 a 22 de abril de 2025.
As submissões serão feitas por meio de preenchimento de formulário por meio do seguinte endereço eletrônico https://forms.gle/6WPzykR2dqgzXxou5.
1.2. O VIII Encontro Regional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional do Paraná (ERMAC-PR) será realizado entre os dias 05 e 07 de maio de 2025 no campus da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM).
A chamada para apresentação de Pôsteres e Comunicações Orais, ocorrerá a partir de 02 de janeiro de 2025.
Mais informações:https://sites.google.com/uem.br/ermacparana/in%C3%ADcio
1.3. Informamos que a Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (SBMAC) possui um novo Canal de Comunicação via Whatsapp +55 16 99637-4820.
Em breve o número (16) 3412-9752 será desativado.
Solicitamos que todos os contatos e envio de solicitações sejam feitos através do Whatsapp +55 16 99637-4820 ou pelo e-mail: sbmac@sbmac.org.br
2.1. Vem aí mais uma edição do Programa de Verão da Escola de Matemática Aplicada da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EMAp)!
Na edição 2025, o Programa será realizado de 13 de janeiro a 21 de fevereiro, com as atividades ministradas de forma híbrida (presencial e pela plataforma Zoom).
Confira os cursos já confirmados neste link.
2.2. XIX Young Researchers Workshop in Geometry Dynamics and Field Theory – January 20-22, 2025.
For more information please visit this link.
To register and to submit an abstract see this link.
2.3. O XVIII Encontro Acadêmico de Modelagem Computacional (EAMC) será realizado de modo presencial (com transmissão online) nos dias 20 a 23 de janeiro de 2025, diretamente do LNCC, em Petrópolis, RJ.
2.4. School on Synchronization: from collective motion to brain dynamics
School: February 3 – 14, 2025
Workshop: February 8 – 9, 2025
ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil – IFT-UNESP Auditorium
Mais informações: https://www.ictp-saifr.org/sscmbd2025/
2.5. 3rd IACM Digital Twins in Engineering Conference (DTE 2025) & 1st ECCOMAS Artificial Intelligence and Computational Methods in Applied Science (AICOMAS 2025), 17-21 February 2025, Paris, France.
Mais informações:https://dte_aicomas_2025.iacm.info/
2.6. O XVI Workshop de Verão do Programa de Pós-graduação em Matemática da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF) será realizado entre os dias 17 e 20 de março de 2025 no Instituto de Ciências Exatas da UFJF, Juiz de Fora – MG.
Mais informações:https://sites.google.com/view/ppm-ufjf-verao2025
2.7. O 6º Encontro de Biomatemática (EncBioMat) será realizado entre os dias 27 e 30 de maio de 2025 em Cuiabá – MT, na UFMT.
O prazo para submissão de trabalhos é de 02 de dezembro de 2024 a 28 de fevereiro de 2025.
Mais informações:linktr.ee/encbiomat ou através do email: encbiomat@gmail.com
2.8. The Fourth International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference – NODYCON 2025 – Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, USA – June 22 – 25, 2025.
Mais informações:https://nodycon.app.earendelplatform.com/
2.9. International Conference on Structural Engineering Dynamics (ICEDyn), which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 23 to 25 June 2025.
Mais informações: https://www.icedyn.net/homepage
The need for dynamics and the control of nonlinear oscillatting systems is ubiquitous in structural engineering, since real-world engineering systems are, in general, nonlinear, and oscillatory. This multidisciplinary field encompasses computation, physics, mathemaƟcs, electrical and mechanical engineering, chemical processes, etc.
This special Session (SS) aims at creating a multidisciplinary forum of discussion on recent advances in nonlinear dynamic techniques and nonlinear control (including sensibility analysis) applied to engineering systems, as well as new areas of development including new frontiers and challenges such as nonlinear dynamics and control.
So, the objective of this SI theme is to propose a set of publications that will provide a forum for discussing and disseminating the latest approaches, methodologies, results, and current challenges in nonlinear dynamics, control, and chaotic systems. This (SS) will also be a great opportunity for disseminating recent developments of analytical, experimental and numerical techniques, and for discussing novel phenomena and behaviors on several aspects of nonlinear dynamics and control.
It will cover potential topics but are not limited to the following:
• Dynamic stability, deterministic, chaotic, random post-critical states.
• Nonlinear vibration of solids and structures under moving loads.
• Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control of elastic structures.
• Nonlinear engineering systems in macro and micro scales.
• Nonlinear dynamic phenomena and interactions in mechanical systems and structures.
• New materials and their use in new structural components.
• Nonlinear dynamics techniques in signal processing.
• Time-frequency analysis methods in nonlinear dynamics applications.
• Vibration energy harvesting.
• Control of nonlinear systems and nonlinear vibrations control.
• Metamaterials applications.
Prof. Dr. Jose Manoel Balthazar
UNESP-Universidade Estadual Paulista – College of Engineering Bauru , SP, Brazil
(UTFPR-Federal University of Technology. Campus Ponta Grossa, PR. Brazil
Prof. Dr. Angelo Marcelo Tusset and Prof. Jeferson Lima
(UTFPR-Federal University of Technology. Campus Ponta Grossa, PR. Brazil
Emails: a.m.tusset@gmail.com, jefersonjl82@gmail.com
2.10. 13th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR 2025) that will take place on June 23-27th, 2025, in the beautiful city of Viña del Mar, Chile.
Key Dates:
• Apr 1, 2025 – Deadline for Contributed Talks, Posters
• Apr 1, 2025 – Deadline for Early Bird Registration
For more details visit https://mmr2025.sciencesconf.org or contact us at link (internationalMMR2025@gmail.com).
3.1. The Virginia Tech Department of Mathematics is hiring several postdoctoral positions in all areas of mathematics with start dates of August 2025.
We also have two openings specifically for mathematical biology and algebra. All positions are listed on MathJobs, although applicants must apply through Virginia Tech’s PageUp System: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/VirginiaTech.
The deadlines vary, with the earliest deadline being 10 January 2025.
Other Positions at VT:
I’ve also likely already contacted you about our tenure track position in Mathematical Biology and/or Environmental Data Science (with a focus on Invasive Species), but just in case you haven’t seen it, the position is listed here, with an application review date of 23-December: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/25959
If you have any questions or want to chat about any of these positions, I’d be happy to talk with you more! MichaelRobert@vt.edu
In connection with the 8th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization
Special Issue in Discrete Applied Mathematics
We are preparing a special issue of the journal Discrete Applied Mathematics devoted to the
8th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2024) that was held in
Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, 22-24 May 2024.
All interested researchers are invited to contribute their novel research articles to this
special issue. Contributions arising from papers given at the symposium should be
substantially extended, and should cite the conference paper where appropriate.
Submissions of contributions not presented at the workshop are also welcome.
The topics should relate to the themes of the biennial ISCO series, for example:
– combinatorial optimization
– approximation algorithms
– cutting-planes algorithms
– polyhedral combinatorics
– computational complexity
– graph and network algorithms
– linear and nonlinear (mixed-)integer programming
All submissions will be thoroughly refereed according to the high standards of
Discrete Applied Mathematics.
The full papers must be submitted through the Editorial System of the journal:
To ensure that your manuscript is correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue,
it is imperative to select ‘VSI: DAM_ISCO2024’ when you reach the “Article Type” step in the
submission process. Please see the author instructions on the site for any additional information.
Accepted papers will be published online individually, before print publication.
Additional information about the special issue can be obtained from the Guest Editors.
We are looking forward to receiving your contribution.
The Guest Editors,
Amitabh Basu abasu9@jhu.edu
Marcia Fampa fampa@cos.ufrj.br
Jon Lee (Managing Co-editor) jonxlee@umich.edu
A. Ridha Mahjoub ridha.mahjoub@lamsade.dauphine.fr
3.3. The IMU Commission for Developing Countries (CDC) extends our gratitude to all applicants and supporters of our programs. Your participation plays a vital role in advancing mathematics in developing countries.
As the year draws to a close, we would like to remind you of several important deadlines: December 31, 2024 – Abel Visiting Scholar Program
Supports early-career mathematicians (under the age of 35) from developing countries for research visits between May and August 2025. January 15, 2025 – Volunteer Lecturer Program
Enables international collaboration by supporting lectureships in developing countries happening between May 2025 and May 2026. Travel and living expenses for volunteer lecturers are covered by this program.
January 15, 2025 – Conference Support Program
Provides financial assistance to mathematics conferences held in developing countries after May 2025.January 15, 2025 – Simons Research Fellowship for Developing Countries
Offers up to $15,000 for three-month research visits, including childcare support for primary caregivers, taking place between June 2025 and June 2026.
For more details and application links, please visit our website:
3.4. EURO Winter Summer Institute on Lot Sizing (EWSI)
O Instituto é apoiado pela EURO (Association of European Operational Research Societies) e pelo Grupo de Trabalho da EURO em Dimensionamento de Lotes (denominado EWG LOT). O instituto foca em todos os aspectos do dimensionamento de lotes e abrange os avanços recentes nessa área. Os temas de interesse incluem, mas não se limitam a:
Novas abordagens para problemas clássicos
Novos problemas relevantes
Integração do dimensionamento de lotes com outros problemas, como programação, distribuição ou roteamento de veículos
Apresentação de estudos de caso
O principal objetivo de um EWSI é oferecer a um número limitado de representantes cuidadosamente selecionados da próxima geração uma oportunidade única para estabelecer uma rede pessoal, criando assim novos grupos de pesquisa em torno do tema escolhido. A ideia básica é reunir cerca de 25 pesquisadores em início de carreira, que sejam estudantes de doutorado ou que tenham menos de dois anos de experiência em pesquisa desde a conclusão do doutorado, para um encontro de dez dias. A EURO cobre integralmente os custos de acomodação e alimentação durante o instituto para cada laureado aceito. Até dois candidatos podem ser indicados pela IFORS, de acordo com o programa de intercâmbio entre EURO e IFORS.
A documentação necessária deve ser enviada para Stéphane DAUZERE-PERES (dauzere-peres@emse.fr) e Nabil ABSI (absi@emse.fr).
O prazo para envio de trabalhos é 24 de Janeiro de 2025.
Maiores informações podem ser encontradas no site: https://eswi2025-lot.sciencesconf.org
3.5. Estão abertas as inscrições para processos seletivos para a contratação de Docentes Visitantes na UFABC.
São 2 vagaspara a Matemática Aplicada, nas subáreas de Análise Numérica, Biomatemática, Otimização e de Sistemas Dinâmicos Aplicados; e 2 vagas na Matemática, nas subáreas de Álgebra, Análise, Geometria, Probabilidade, Sistemas Dinâmicos e de Topologia.
As inscrições encerram-se no dia 30 de janeiro de 2025 e são gratuitas.
Mais informações:https://www.ufabc.edu.br/concursos/docentes/professor-visitante/edital-042-2024
COAM – Computational and Applied Mathematics
▪This special issue focuses in mathematical foundations, models and techniques for data fusion for Artificial Intelligence under uncertainty, aiming at disclosing the most recent and innovate developments in the field
… including, but not limited to:
▪ Theoretical results in aggregation functions, pre-aggregation functions, and fusion functions with other kinds of weaker monotonicity;
▪ Theoretical results in common aggregation functions, pre-aggregation functions, and fusion functions on many-valued status (including, e.g. lattice-valued);
▪ Theoretical results in the controlling of the uncertainty in interval-valued data fusion;
▪ Other fusion functions, models and techniques for data fusion under uncertaiainty;
▪ (Adaptative) Neuro-fuzzy models and systems, Deep (fuzzy) learning;
▪ Fuzzy data stream;
▪ Applications, e.g., in decision making (including, e.g. multi-criteria decision making), image processing, classification and multi-label classification, machine learning, data stream clustering, sensor fusion and data flow prediction.
▪ Target Researchers:
Authors of extended abstracts presented at DAFUSAI 2024 Workshop (https://sites.google.com/view/dafusai2024), a workshop of ECAI 2024 Conference (https://www.ecai2024.eu/) and also those who presented abstracts at the Special Session on Information fusion techniques based on aggregation functions, preaggregation functions and their generalizations of IPMU 2024 (https://ipmu2024.inesc-id.pt/) will be invited to submit full papers to this special issue.
Additionally, the special issue is open for any work related to the subject.
Opening of Submissions: October 19, 2024.
Deadline of Submissions: March 10, 2025.
▪ Graçaliz Dimuro (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil)
▪ Junsheng Qiao (Northwest Normal University, China)
▪ Humberto Bustince, Javier Fernandez and Cedric Marco-Detchard (Universidad Publica de Navarra, Spain)
▪ Helida Santos and Tiago Asmus (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Brazil)