(16) 99637-4820

Postdoctoral and Research Assistant Positions at the University of Wyoming

The University of Wyoming Mathematics Department (, in conjunction with the new School of Energy Resources (, is seeking at least one postdoctoral scientist to work on a project on CO2 sequestration using highly parallel computers. The position ideally will be filled no later than February 1, 2009. We are also looking for other people in computational sciences to fill similar positions that will be created during the remainder of this academic year that are high performance computing oriented.
We are also seeking two to six new research assistants to work in computational science related areas, including energy research, high performance computing, and mathematical modeling using remote sensor networks. These positions can be filled for the spring semester, which begins in January, 2009.
The recruits will work with Craig Douglas, Felipe Pereira, Fred Furtado, and Victor Ginting, as well as our current postdoctoral scientist and research assistants.
The University of Wyoming is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer.
More more details or to apply, please send email to my UWyo email address,
