(16) 99637-4820


Message to participants dincon

Please submit your accepted paper to DINCON to be possibly published in TEMA special issue  –  SELETA do DINCON 2010.
9th Brazilian Conference on Dynamics, Control and Applications
9º Congresso Temático de Dinâmica, Controle e Aplicações
The Organizers of the DINCON’2010 are preparing a Special Volume of the TEMA Journal (Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional) consisting of a Selecta of around 15 manuscripts at most 12 pages each.
The deadline for Submission is 30 june 2010. Acceptance by 30/07.
Revision by 30/08. Final Volume Edition by 06/11.
Persons attending the Conference are welcome to submit a manuscript for consideration to be published in this volume.
The Editors are seeking original manuscripts, preferentially in English, of high quality. All manuscript submitted shall obey the TEMA standards:

Instructions for Submission
•    Maximum number of pages in a submitted paper: 12.
•    Papers should be prepared, using LaTeX2e, in accordance with "CNMAC-TEMA.cls" and "Instructions" available in:
•    This way, for example, all submitted papers will have font size 10pt and printed area of 19,0cm by 12,7cm.
•    Figures and illustrations can not be in colour. It is preferred that they are prepared in the format "eps".
•    Please submit via e-mail one copy of the paper in "pdf", the "tex" version and all figures in "eps" and/or "pdf" to the address .
•    Important: The accompanying letter should contain the full address and, if possible, e-mail and telephone of the author responsible for the submission.
The papers can be written in English or Portuguese. Those in English should have an "abstract" in Portuguese and the ones in Portuguese should have an “abstract” in English. The abstract must come on the final page.
The copyright form shall be signed and posted to:

TEMA/Seleta DINCON’2010
a/c Prof. Dr. Messias Meneguette Jr.
DMEC, FCT, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Rua Roberto Simonsen, 305
19060-900 Presidente Prudente, SP
