Dear colleague,
We are delighted to announce the launch of a new generalist mathematics journal, the Annales Henri Lebesgue, which is free and purely electronic. It is a high level journal, supported by public institutions, and entirely free both for authors and readers. It is run by mathematicians for mathematicians, to assure the preservation, diffusion and valorization of our work.
Should you wish to receive information about the journal, please subscribe to our newsletter.
We would be grateful if you could relay this news to your colleagues. We also encourage you to submit your most beautiful papers to the Annales Henri Lebesgue, and to convince your colleagues to do likewise. Further reasons for supporting the journal are outlined at this page, where you can also find publicity to include in your webpages, should you so wish. We can also send you, at your request, a poster and postcards to display in your department.
With kind regards.
AHL's communication team
Marianne Bessemoulin
Xavier Caruso
Dominique Cerveau
Sébastien Gouëzel
Xhensila Lachambre
Nicolas Raymond
San Vũ Ngọc